All African Airways Staff

All African Airways Staff

At All African Airways, we have a management team with specific responsibilities available, to assist you with any queries, no matter how big or small. A great first point of contact is always our Discord channel, but for specific queries, you may reach out to either of our following staff members:

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

CEO Badge

Our CEO is ultimately responsible for all aspects of our Virtual Airline.

Together with our Chief Operating Officer, he oversees our Business finances, as well as our alliances with other virtual airlines, in order to decide on the best strategy for growing our virtual business going forward.

In addition, our CEO is the creator and owner of the All African Airways brand, and he also creates liveries for our whole aircraft fleet.

Feel free to contact our CEO at any time:

... Herve

Chief Operating Officer (COO)

COO Badge

Our COO is responsible for all the day-to-day operations and administration of our VA, and, together with our CEO, for appointing staff members.

He implements and revises business strategies, in order to always optimise the VA's operational capabilities.

Our Chief Operating Officer position is currently vacant, if necessay, please reach out to our CEO, or any other staff member.

Airline Managers

Airline Manager Badge

Airline Managers have access to assist with day to day operational management of our NewSky Virtual Airline Platform.

So if you need any assistance with regards to our NewSky environment, please feel free to contact any of these staff members:

... Ettienne

... Herve

... Mark

Hub Managers

Hub Badge

All African Airways currently serves numerous destinations on the African continent, as well as in Europe.

To properly manage and streamline our operations, and to maintain our ever-expanding fleet or aircraft, we have the following two hubs available, who have dedicated Hub Managers, who will gladly assist you with any queries related to their respective areas of responsibility:

... Johannesburg (FAOR) Herve

... Casablanca (GMMN) Herve

Click here to visit our Hubs page.

Fleet Manager

Fleet Badge

At All African Airways, we strive to accommodate all our pilots, and for this reason, we have a wide variety of aircraft available, which you may feel free to book for your virtual ventures.

Our Fleet Manager is ultimately responsible for the addition of new aircraft, as well as the maintenance of our current fleet.

If you would like to fly with an aircraft which is not currently available on our fleet, please reach out to our Fleet Manager, who will happily consider adding another aircraft to our current fleet:

... Mark

You may click here for more information about our current fleet.

Events Manager

Event Badge

If you'd like to participate in All African Airways virtual tours and events, or if you'd like to suggest new and exciting virtual aviation ventures, please feel free to reach out to our Events Manager for more information.

We currently have quite a few tours available, and for successful completion of these, you'll be awarded with a custom badge, which will be proudly displayed on your pilot profile.

... Ettienne

Click here for the tours that are currently available for our pilots to participate in.

Chief Pilot

Chief Pilot Badge

Our Chief Pilot will gladly assist you in getting registered and flying as a valuable and recognised All African Airways pilot.

He also assists with the operational management of our Lanseria (FALA) based Flight School, as well as our Museum, which is located at Cape Town International airport (FACT).

In addition, he will do (virtual) investigations of (and reporting on) accidents and incidents, which may occur in our VA from time to time.

... Ettienne


Webmaster Badge

Our Webmasters are ultimitely responsible for our website and for the content on same. We strive for our site to always reflect our current operations and Business structures.

Should you find an error on our website, or if you'd like to request an addition to it, please reach out to our Webmasters, who'll gladly assist you:

... Herve

... Ettienne

Marketing Manager

Marketing Manager Badge

Our Marketing Manager is responsible for ensuring that our VA is always visible in the outside world, as well as on Social Media platforms.

If you have any ideas in terms of how to inscrease our VA footprint, please do not hesitate to contact our Marketing Manager.

... Gareth Bosman