In this section of our website, you'll find the answers to some of the questions that we often get asked. If you have another question and you can't find the answer here (or somewhere else on our site), please feel free to reach out to us.
Please click here to visit a relevant page in the About Us section, which should answer your questions. If you still have any up-front questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to one of our members.
All the aircraft that we allow within All African Airways are listed on our Fleets page, where you will find the aircraft that you may use according to your rank. Please note that certain aircraft may not be listed, please contact any of our staff members for more information.
Most of our aircraft (not all) are available in our own Company livery, and may be downloaded from the website. Any questions regarding these paints should be sent to Herve Meledje, by means of the NewSky message system, or via Discord.
An All African Airways Boeing 777 is available for your P3D flight simulator, but since a Boeing 777 is not yet available for MSFS 2020, we do allow you to use a Boeing 787 aircraft as a substitute for the 777, until a suitable B777 is available for MSFS 2020.
Please discuss your intended leave of absence with your HUB Manager, so that we may flag your profile as being on leave. This will prevent your account from being marked as inactive.
You may report any scheduling errors to your HUB manager.
You may report errors to any of our staff members.
Negative. You may fly wherever you want, whenever you want. If you can find a scheduled flight in our schedules, you may fly it. If you cannot find a scheduled flight from your current location, you may book your flight as a Charter flight. If you'd like to fly a route from a different location than where you are at the time, you may do that.
Negative! We want to accommodate as many people as possible in the All African Airways flight simulation family. You may decide where you wish to fly, and how. We do, however, encourage all pilots to at least try one of the online networks, as this will enhance your flight simulation experience significantly. However, the choice will always be yours.
You need at least 50 hours of flying time for All African Airways. Once you've reached this milestone, you may contact our Chief Pilot, who will assess your skills, in order to manage the type of aircraft and flight that you will be permitted to do.
You can just restart the NewSky flight tracker, normally it will allow you to file your PIREP after the fact. However, there are some instances where software bugs may prevent you from doing this, in which case, you may have to re-do your flight.
We don't assign these to already accepted members automatically, as you had an option during the registration process to retrieve old pilot ID and hours If you, however, did click yes to this, and we haven't assigned your historical information to your account, that means that we could not find any info about your previous account on our systems, and therefore we were not able to assign your old data to your new profile.
Awards allocation batch processes run every day at 8:00PM CET. Please be patient while the system does this. In the event that you still haven't received your award after a day or two, please contact your HUB Manager, who will assist you. Note that our award-system is currently being updated for better processes.
Pending flights may be queried by sending a support request message to the NewSky admin team. They will look into your specific flight details and update your profile accordingly, or provide you with details in terms of why your flight has not been accepted.
You may not have accumulated enough hours to be rated on the aircraft which you'd like to fly with. Please contact our Chief Pilot, who can look into the matter and provide you with feedback.
Please feel free to reach out to our Fleet Manager. We try our best to accommodate all pilots and their individual preferences, and we'll gladly consider acquiring your aircraft of choice as part of our ever-expanding fleet.
Regrettably this happens to all of us from time to time. Just bite the bullet and re-do your flight, once you've attempted to resolve the problem which caused the freeze. There are many resources available online which may guide you in terms of your setup, in order for your system to be more stable.
We do prefer you to do your flights without any acceleration. This just increases realism for all our users.
No, regrettably we do not accept transfer hours from other virtual airlines, please refer to our All African rules and regulations, Paragraph 13.
Once you've completed and closed your flight:
Check this .PDF document which is available in the resource section of our website. Note that this document will open in a new browser window, to return to this page, simply close the PDF window.
You may use the NewSky Checklist which is available in the downloads section of our website, this will provide you with most of the things that you must always be on the lookout for in order to get those perfect ratings. Click here to go to the Downloads page.
Last updated 16 January 2024